Top Questions with Answers
How do I create a cardholder to assign an instant issue or order a personalized card?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T14:55:19+00:00
- On the iConnectData menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Expand Cardholder Information with the + symbol.
- Then, click Create Cardholder. On the next page, enter data in all fields with red asterisks (except Preferred Language).
- Then, click Submit.
- The next page displays Cardholder Information confirmation with the nine-digit reference number in the Cardholder Reference Number field.
- Click Assign Available Cards (add the 16-digit card number with no spaces or dashes) to link an instant issue card to an employee.
- Click Order New Card to order a personalized card.
How do I manually load money to a single card on iConnectData (ICD)?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T14:59:12+00:00
- On the ICD menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Expand Cardholder Information with the + symbol.
- Then, click Search Existing Cardholders. Search by Cardholder Reference Number, Employee number, or Last Name.
- Then, click Search.
- On the next page, click Load/Cancel Funds > enter the Load Amount and Load Message (optional) at the bottom of the screen.
- Then, click Submit. The funds will load in 15 minutes or less.
How do I manually load money to multiple cards on iConnectData (ICD)?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:02:22+00:00
- On the ICD menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Expand Cardholder Information with the + symbol.
- Select Search Existing Cardholders. Search by Cardholder Reference Number, Employee Number, or Last Name.
- Then, select Search.
- On the next page, select Load/Cancel Funds.
- Then, enter the Load Amount and Load Message (optional) at the bottom of the page.
- Click Submit. The funds will load within 15 minutes or less.
How do I cancel loads?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:04:44+00:00
You can only cancel loads on iConnectData up to 72 hours after the load posts, and this includes weekends. If 72 hours has expired, contact your account administrator. If the cardholder used a portion of the load, the administrator cannot cancel the load and you’ll need to reconcile with the cardholder.
- To cancel a load, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Expand Cardholder Information with the + symbol > select Search Existing Cardholders. Search by Cardholder Reference Number, Employee Number, or Last Name.
- Then, click Search.
- On the next page, click Load/Cancel Funds next to the cardholder’s line item.
- Then, click Cancel Load next to load and confirm cancellation. The load will cancel within 15 minutes or less.
How do I verify if a cardholder received monies?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:20:24+00:00
- On the iConnectData menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Select Money Services > Search for Loads by Cardholder.
- Search by Cardholder Reference Number, Employee Number, or Last Name.
- Then, click Search.
- Click Load/Cancel Funds > navigate to view Recent Loads.
How do I change the name that appears on a paycard?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:21:55+00:00
You cannot change the embossed name. Direct cardholders to call the number on the back of their cards and speak with a live agent to order a new card with the correct embossing.
How do I reconcile my account and payments received?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:25:10+00:00
You can reconcile your account through daily invoices. Invoices are available the next day after a transaction.
- On the iConnectData menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Hover over Payment Services and select All Invoices.
- Enter a Start and End Date and click Search.
- Click Download in Excel Format to view the invoice.
How do I retrieve reports (Card Listing, Load, and Daily Invoices)?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:31:22+00:00
Card Listing Report:
- On the iConnectData (ICD) menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit option to populate the entire list.
- Expand Cardholder Information with the + symbol.
- Then, select Search Existing Cardholders.
- Click Generate Excel to view the report (all data entered to create cardholders and the nine-digit reference numbers).
Load Report:
- On the ICD menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Click Money Services Search for Loads by Date (search by Last 30, 60, 90 Days or enter a specific Date Range (Start and End Date)).
- Click Generate Excel to view loads on an Excel spreadsheet or View Loads to view loads on ICD.
Daily Invoice Report:
After performing a transaction, an Invoice report will be available the next day.
- On the ICD menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Select Payment Services > All Invoices > enter Start and End Dates.
- Then, click Search.
- Click Download in Excel Format to view invoice. Also, view recent invoices at the bottom of the screen, All Invoices.
How do I order instant issue cards?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:36:43+00:00
- On the iConnectData menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Expand Account Management with the + symbol on the right and click Maintain Account Information.
- Select the Shipping Contact & Address tab and enter the shipping address details in the Shipping Address fields. Then, click Submit.
- Hover over Account Management > select Order Bulk Cards.
- Select Order Count > select the amount of cards to order (order as few as 10 and as many as 250 at one time).
Please ensure money is available in your Comdata account by selecting Account Status on the sidebar if you have a card fee. - Product Type will remain the same.
Card Type, select the down arrow > select BD NP Bulk Signature Debit Card. If cardholders reside in CT, IL, or PA, select the aforementioned card type with the state the employee resides in. - Verify Shipping Address > click Order Cards. Cards will arrive in 3-5 business days.
- You can only change the shipping address one time per day. Contact your account administrator if you need to place multiple orders for different addresses on the same day.
- You may perform multiple orders for the same address on the same day.
- Create a ledger and list the date you ordered instant issue cards and the quantity. This information is not stored in iConnectData.
How do I view Available Balance to perform Off-Cycle Loads?Kristy Davis2019-10-28T15:38:01+00:00
- On the iConnectData menu bar, select Manage > Branded Debit.
- On the next page, select any option underneath Branded Debit to populate the entire list.
- Click Account Status and view available balance.