The cardholder will be notified if their application was rejected or needs further review by the compliance team. Both are shown instantaneously in the DRIVEN FOR COMDATA™ app. If the cardholder was rejected: They will be able to edit the CIP information originally provided and resubmit it. The cardholder will be able to resubmit with up to 5 failed attempts allowed in a
24-hour period.
If the cardholder is under review: The application goes into a pending status and the compliance team will review for approval. The review process may take up to 7 business days.
The cardholder will get an email from the compliance team with results when the review has been completed.
If compliance rejects the CIP information provided, the application enters a rejected status with feedback about the rejection. The cardholder can resubmit CIP information with up to 5 failed attempts allowed in a 24-hour period.