Protecting your Mastercard cardholders from fraud and identity theft is a top priority. That’s why we offer the Alerts and Notifications program to help you improve security around your cards and minimize risk.
With Alerts and Notifications, your cardholders receive text messages any time the internal risk analysis system identifies a suspicious transaction. Then, your cardholder can reply to the message confirming whether or not the transaction was fraudulent. If the cardholder confirms fraud, the card will go into a locked-down state, and each additional transaction will be declined. However, the cardholder will receive a text message with each declined transaction, allowing them to override the declined authorization. If they override, they can swipe their card again and continue the transaction as normal, only if it is for the same amount and from the same merchant. If the cardholder receives a declined transaction they don’t recognize, there’s no need to respond as it was not authorized.
As an optional benefit to our fraud detection alerts, you can also elect to receive text notifications if a card is declined for non-fraudulent activity, such as if you enter an incorrect PIN/ID at a point of sale. You can correct the error and rerun the transaction for approval in these cases.
Note: Decline notifications are optional, but you must be enrolled to receive fraud alerts to select decline notifications.
The Alerts and Notifications program is extremely beneficial to cardholders who travel regularly, as they can continue to use their business cards even if their card number is compromised. As a program administrator, use this guide to help you manage your Alerts and Notifications program. Several program components exist in the iConnectData (ICD) web portal.
If you are not already signed up for Alerts and Notifications, contact your Account or Relationship Manager today!
Note: Standard data and text rates will apply. These rates are dependent on the cardholder’s phone carrier.